Part 1. Baseline Report

Provide an analysis of the types of barriers Manitobans may face in accessing your programs, facilities and services. Highlight those that are most significant to your organizational mandate and to the public.
Budget Impact
Estimated Time / Completion Date
Retain plain text version of new documents (Example: WORD format) for efficient conversion to alternate formats. Communications and all relevant staff Nil Immediately
Develop procedure for responding to requests for documents in alternate formats. Accessibility Coordinator with Accessibility Working Group, and management approval Nil 1 month / September 1, 2015
Alert finance area that current
year and future requests for
contingency funding must
include accessibility line item.
Accessibility Coordinator with management approval Included in current contingency budget 2 hours / September 1, 2015
Create on-line training
(PowerPoint) on how to
respond to requests for
alternate format and local
service providers.
Accessibility Coordinator with Human Resources $100 2 months / October 1, 2015
Select existing forms to be
converted (internally) to large
print and CD.
Accessibility Coordinator with assistance from Admin. Staff $50 1 month / November 1, 2015
Post a notice on website,
Facebook, and on print
documents, that information is
available in alternate formats
on request.
Accessibility Coordinator Nil 1 week / November 1, 2015
Outsource Braille conversion
for agenda and budget for
annual meeting, if requested.
Accessibility Coordinator $100.00 2 weeks / December 1, 2015